
We work! The schedule of work during martial law from 9:00 to 19:00
We will celebrate our victory with a perfect smile!

Military personnel, first medical aid for acute pain (treatment, removal) is provided free of charge and on an emergency basis.

⚡A generator works in the REKODENT clinic - there is ALWAYS light on⚡

Plasma therapy

A beautiful smile is not only perfectly straight and white teeth, but also healthy gums. The difficulty is that many people absolutely do not pay attention to the condition of the gums, which leads to the appearance of such dangerous diseases as periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontitis. Tissue disease causes a lot of inconvenience and leads to complete loss of teeth. Only professional gum strengthening in Kyiv will restore oral health.

Plasmolifting - effective gum strengthening Kyiv

In the process of gum treatment, a wide variety of technologies are used to achieve the desired result. Most often, plasma lifting is used. The essence of this method is that platelet plasma injections are performed. For this, a minimum volume of blood is taken from the patient’s vein. From it, with the help of special manipulations, plasma saturated with platelets is prepared. In the future, it is introduced into those areas where the disease progresses strongly.

Such strengthening of the gums in case of periodontitis is carried out by specialists of the Recodent clinic. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to quickly:

Plasmolifting is a completely safe procedure, allergic reaction or other side effects are excluded. This strengthening of the gums of the teeth is highly effective. Literally after the first procedure, the disease recedes and positive dynamics are observed.

Laser strengthening of the gums

Another available method of gum restoration at the Recodent clinic is the use of a special laser. With the help of this procedure, various diseases and consequences are quickly eliminated. Laser gum strengthening is performed by an experienced doctor. It directs the beam to damaged areas, passing healthy areas. Such treatment is distinguished by several important advantages:

You should not be afraid of strengthening teeth and gums with this method, as the procedure is completely painless and does not cause any unpleasant sensations. Thanks to laser therapy, strong inflammatory processes are quickly removed, loosening and destruction of teeth is excluded. The laser treated surface is decontaminated and disinfected. Gums begin to quickly recover, acquire a healthy appearance. Such strengthening of the gums and teeth is prescribed by a doctor, but only after an examination and research.

Professional gum strengthening in Kyiv

If you have certain problems with your gums, you should immediately make an appointment with a dentist at the Recodent clinic. An experienced specialist will conduct an examination and decide on procedures that allow for the most productive strengthening and treatment of bleeding gums. All procedures are painless and are carried out using the most modern equipment. Already after several visits, positive dynamics appear, the disease recedes, the gums recover.

Applying to the Recodent clinic is distinguished by the following advantages:

The clinic uses the most modern technologies and methods of gum treatment. Regardless of the stage of the disease, doctors will do everything possible to save the tooth and restore health to the gums. In addition, they will definitely advise you on how to strengthen your teeth and gums on your own, which products are best to use for this. By following the recommendations and visiting the doctor regularly, you can keep your smile healthy and beautiful for a long time.

Sign up for a consultation with a dentist at the "Rekodent" clinic

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