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Surgery, tooth extraction

Surgical dentistry is one of the most popular fields. Even the use of advanced technologies does not always save teeth. However, before a decision is made to remove a tooth, a thorough diagnosis is carried out, and all kinds of preservation procedures are carried out. If, according to indications, there are no other options, a tooth is removed. Surgical dentistry is now so developed that the procedure is completely painless. 

Surgical stomatology - the main indications for tooth extraction

There are many indications for surgical intervention. Let’s highlight the most common problems:

In all these situations, it will be necessary to remove teeth, surgical stomatology stands out with significant opportunities in this direction. In some situations, doctors perform a surgical operation aimed at removing the foci of inflammation, the tooth remains in place.

Surgical dentistry - services from the RecoDent clinic

The following services are available at RecoDent surgical dentistry:

Tooth extraction.

A last resort, used only if there is no chance to restore the damaged tooth. It is carried out under local anesthesia.

Wisdom tooth removal.

It is carried out only after the instruction of the doctor who performed the diagnosis. The reasons can be as follows – severe pain and incorrect location. The procedure is complex and can be performed both under local and general anesthesia.

Cyst treatment.

Surgical dentistry: tooth extraction is not always performed. In certain situations, they are limited to the removal of neoplasms in the root system. The difficulty is that this is possible at an early stage, but due to the absence of symptoms, such a problem is diagnosed already at a late stage. As a result, the surgeon removes everything – the tooth and the cyst.

Resection of the apex of the root.

Such a procedure is highly effective if the task is to save a damaged tooth. The essence of the operation is that it allows surgical removal of inflammation, leaving healthy parts intact. Thus, specialists will be able to completely restore the tooth in the future.

Children’s surgical dentistry is also available in the clinic. A special children’s doctor works in the clinic. He finds an approach to all small patients, performs tooth extraction quickly and painlessly. The child will not even have time to feel anything.

Surgical stomatology - prices for services

RecoDent stands for high standards in the field of dental treatment. The clinic uses the most modern equipment, medicines, and innovative treatment methods. Experienced doctors easily diagnose any disease and offer the most effective treatment. If it is impossible to restore a tooth with available methods, then surgical dentistry in Kyiv, the prices of which are the most affordable in the city, is an alternative solution. The cost of tooth extraction depends on a number of factors: the drugs used, the location of the tooth, the complexity of the operation. Also, the final price may be affected by other factors, which the doctor will definitely inform, but only after the diagnosis.
Now, the surgical stomatology website allows you to immediately make an appointment at a convenient time, familiarize yourself with the available services, and get an online consultation. Several surgeons work in the clinic. All of them are quite qualified specialists who have vast experience. All necessary manipulations are carried out at the highest level.
Currently, surgical dentistry prices fully correspond to the quality of services provided. However, the specialists of the clinic are primarily trying to save the tooth. Modern methods make it possible to cope with even the most neglected diseases. But in some situations, you can’t do without deletion. Surgeons using the best anesthetic drugs will quickly remove the problem tooth.

Work typeCost, uah
Simple removal850 uah.
Difficult deletion1400 uah.
Wisdom tooth removal1800 uah.
Atypical removal of a retained impacted wisdom tooth5000 uah.
Removal of neoplasms (benign)
on mucous membranes (fibromas, papillomas, cysts of small salivary glands)500-1000 uah.
on the alveolar processes (epulis, fibromas)250 uah.
Surgical interventions for orthopedic indications
Deepening of the vestibule of the mouth1500-2000 uah.
Surgical periodontology
Open curettage of dentogingival pockets with gingival plasty within 6 teeth550 uah.
Flap surgery within 6 teeth2000 uah.
Treatment of alveolitis (curettage, washing of the hole, dressing)250 uah.
Repeated dressings for alveolitis (antiseptic treatment)100 uah.
Stopping hole bleeding (hole revision, tamponade, hole suturing)250 uah.
Excision of the hood for pericoronitis300 uah.
Primary surgical treatment of wounds with suturing1000-1500 uah.
Removal of stitches100 uah.
Massage and washing of the ducts of the salivary glands150-250 uah.
Filling the hole with bone material "Collapol"120 uah.
Consultation and preparation of a treatment plan for diseases of the temporomandibular joints100 uah.

Sign up for a consultation with a surgeon at the "Rekodent" clinic

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